Global Nav – add padding to left side to match the Bonanza Logo in Main Nav. I’m guessing to the right side and not the left?
Main Nav – Make font size 2pt smaller and is it possible to make the buttons the same width? So that when they stack they look clean
Changed display of mobile menu so its now an overlay.
Can we centre this rig navigation bar?
Can we get this all on one line? Bottom Copyright.
Rig images need to be a light box - can you add that feature as well please?
Added FooGallery and Responsive Lightbox plugins for the rigs single image lightbox galleries.
Re-cropped all rig images to a larger sizes 750 x 500 (W x H) and cleaned up markup on tabs component for consistent display across the tabs. Updated Gist Code as well.
Major rework on the footer (may still need to refine ?). Two displays for mobile and non-mobile views.
Removed global row footer from footer and converted to use Beaver Themer's footer layout instead.
Monday, Jan. 15th
Uploaded All PDFS for rigs and Field Guide. Although the field guide pdf size exceeds the maximum WP upload limit of 10MB so I had to manually upload that via SFTP on the staging site.
Cropped all images and Finished Rigs tab with 10 rigs info on RIP (Rig inventory Page)
Linked Request Quote here to the home page contact section
Styling for the rigs tabs can be found in /rig-inventory -> Layout CSS panel
added transition ease-in-out to the buttons on the rigs accordion
The button group style are in the style sheet starting from .btn-group a.button and down
Added Easy FancyBox plugin for the lightbox display of PDFs
Sunday, Jan. 14th
added proper search area on header top:
this is placed in the functions.php file as the shortcode top-hdr which utilizes function: show_header_top()
The placement on the header top uses the Beaver Themer Layout called top-header (fl-theme-layout/top-header/?fl_builder). It is placed in a BB html component.
In the style.css file and li are the styling for the top header bar. Styling manipulation is also being done in the custom.js file
Linked the contact to the contact area on the home page
The custom.js file uses jQuery to toggle the search bar on and off.
Styled news posts on home page using custom layout editor in Beaver Themer. Added background color (#ebebeb) sssin style.css file : .fl-post-grid-post.fl-post-grid-image-above-title
pushed changes to staging site for review
changed permalinks to simple: http://website/{posttitle}
Wednesday, Jan. 10th
Added Map as a placeholder to for Rigs Map section in Rig Inventory Page[RIP]
Adjusted footer so that all elements fit nicely on a smaller 15" screen
Updated plugins: BB, UABB, Astra Pro
Pushed all changes to staging site to show to Shannon